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Learn the exact steps to take to raise and process meat birds yourselves and fill your freezers with over a years worth of meat in just 7 1/2 weeks.
Ready to become more self sufficient and raise and process chickens yourself so you know exactly how it was raised and where it came from?
This is where you learn!
There is no lab grown meat here.
Welcome to Farm To Freezer: The Complete Guide To Raising Meat Birds
We are your best friends in raising and processing your own meat birds.
F2F (Farm To Freezer) is a program designed to help people like you learn how to raise meat birds week by week and process them yourself in just 7 1/2 weeks.
Using the same step-by-step process we use to raise hundreds of birds for the last 10 years, Farm to Freezer will help you become more self sufficient in a way you never thought was possible.
No, you don't need acres of land
No, you don't need previous experience
No, you don't have to know what you're doing
All you need is the desire to make a change in your life.
Hi! We're Jordyn and Kay
We are a mother and daughter in law duo who live next door to each other and homestead. Along with our husbands and Jordyn's four little kids. We do everything we can to raise our own food and become more self sufficient and our goal is to help you do the same. We are all about simple and sustainable.
Kay has been raising and processing chickens herself for the last 10 years right here in our own backyard. We raise enough chickens to last us at least a year.
Jordyn joined in 8 years ago and together we've processed over 1,000 Cornish Cross chickens. We've also done our fair share of turkey's, too!
Most people believe that you need to be a large farmer, have lots of land, raise chickens every month and spend hours raising and processing them but Farm to Freezer is here to prove that you don't.
We wish someone was there when we were first starting our journey to really teach us how to raise and process these birds so we could have raised more, sooner. We started small even though we had the space because it was all new to us.
So, we're here to be that person for you. We know the nerves that come with raising animals for the first time and we are here to help guide you every step of the way.
We've helped tons of people online and in person learn how to raise and process meat birds- and now it's your turn.
How We Got Here
On the the family compound our family embarked on a journey that transformed not just our backyard but also our entire way of life. A decade ago, we were clueless about raising and processing chickens. Our venture started with a poorly made "instructional" video, 25 meat birds and a dream to become self-sufficient.
Picture this: a handful of fluffy chicks, a horse stall in the barn, no equipment and a family eager to embrace a sustainable lifestyle. We stumbled through the initial stages, learning as much from our mistakes as from our successes. Feathers flew, and awkward attempts at constructing a chicken tractor made us look more like amateurs than aspiring homesteaders.
It was in those early days, among the chaos and uncertainty, that we stumbled upon a moment that changed everything. As we struggled through the challenges of raising and processing our own chickens, we realized the power of shared experiences. We found that others were also learning, growing, and figuring it out one chicken at a time.
Our credibility grew not from smooth processes and flawless execution but from the authenticity of our struggle. People recognized that we were genuine, that our journey mirrored their own desires for a simpler, more connected way of life. The connection deepened as we shared our triumphs and failures, creating a bridge between us and our audience.
Over the years, our backyard experiment evolved into a well-oiled machine. The once-poorly made video became a testament to our growth, showcasing the transformation from newbies to seasoned homesteaders. Our success wasn't just measured in the number of chickens we raised but in the efficiency and harmony with which we did it.
As we honed our skills and refined our process, our credibility soared. People began to say, "Wow, this person can actually lead me. They've been where I am, and they've come out the other side with knowledge, experience, and a system that works."
This brings me to the core premise of our journey—a belief in a lifestyle that's not just sustainable but fulfilling. Raising and processing chickens became more than a task; it became a way of life, a connection to the land, and a step towards self-sufficiency. We realized that our story wasn't just about chickens; it was about reclaiming a connection to our food, our environment, and our roots.
Now, with a decade of experience under our belts, we're ready to share our knowledge with you. Whether you're just starting or looking to refine your own process, we've distilled our years of learning into a comprehensive online course. Learn the basics of raising meat birds, discover the weekly care routines, master each step of the dispatch process, and gain the skills to efficiently break down and fill your freezers.
Our offer is not just about learning a skill; it's an invitation to embrace a lifestyle. We guide you through the practicalities of raising and processing chickens, but beyond that, we lead you towards a deeper connection with the food on your table and the land beneath your feet.
So, join us on this journey. Say goodbye to pre-packaged meat and hello to a life where you know the source of your food intimately. Let us guide you towards a more sustainable, fulfilling, and connected way of life.
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So what does self sufficiency look like?
Well, that's up to you.
For us, it means:
- Knowing where our meat came from. Knowing how it was raised, what it ate and how it lived. That the animal enjoyed fresh grass, clean air and sunshine.
- Knowing exactly how the bird lived. That it had space to roam and not be crammed in a pen.
- Having the peace of mind knowing we have a freezer full of chicken that will last us a year
- Having the skills to raise and process chickens
- Relying less on the grocery store
What does your self sufficiency dreams look like? With Farm To Freezer, it's closer than you might think!

We created Farm To Freezer so you can...
1. Learn how to raise and process chickens on your own
2. Become more self sufficient and rely less on the grocery store
3. Know where your food comes from and be in control of how it's raised
4. Learn new skills that will help you continue on the road to self sufficiency.
How would you have it?
1. Spend years learning how to raise birds quickly, struggle through the process, unsure of how to process efficiently and have conflicting information on how to do it
2. Have step by step video lessons showing you exactly how to raise the birds and show you in depth how to do each step of the process efficiently and humanely so you can become more self sufficient in your own backyard?
Yeah, I'll take option 2 please!
But how do you do it?
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Presenting: Farm To Freezer
The Complete Guide To Raising and Processing Meat Birds
What is Farm To Freezer?
F2F is a course designed to help others learn to raise and process their own meat birds, right in their own backyard. It doesn't matter if you've never done this before, how much experience you've had, or if you've even held a chicken before. We've taught people on all levels of raising chickens and now they are building up their homesteads and becoming more self sufficient.
We've processed over 1,000 birds so we can tell you that by following our methods that this program works! So let us help you with your journey.
Here's what you'll learn in Farm To Freezer:

If you're looking for details, look no further!
Here's a breakdown of our modules and what's included.
Module 1- Introduction To Raising Meat Birds
-All About Cornish Cross
-Why Raise Chickens?
-Mindset to Raising Them
-Which Breed Is Right For You?
-Where to Purchase Your Chicks
-Tractor/Pasture Raising
-Barn Raising
-How Many Birds Should Your Raise?
-Supplies Needed for Raising
-Planning to Sell? What you need to know
-Best Months To Raise Chickens
Module 2- Raising Meat Birds
Week 1 -Brooder Set Up
-Pasty Butt - Prevention and Treatment
-How to care for them during the first week; feed needs, watering etc
Week 2- In the Brooder, Caring for them during week 2; feed needs etc
Week 3- Caring for them in the brooder, moving to pasture
Weeks 4,5,6,7- Caring for them in the barn or pasture and all their needs
Module 3- Processing Your Birds
-Preparing for the Process
-Supplies & Equipment needed for process
-Process Set Up
-Processing Day
-How to Gather the Birds
-How to Dispatch Humanely
-Proper Scaulding
-How to Eviscerate
-How to Clean out a bird
-Correct Chilling Methods and Times
Module 4- Breakdown and Packaging
-Breakdown/Packaging Supplies
-How to package a whole bird
-How to breakdown a chicken
-Tips for separating and preserving parts
-Freezer Storage Ideas
You can also grab the course based on your needs! Know how to raise but not process? Grab the process course. Know how to process but want to learn how to raise? Grab the raise only course. We'll meet you where you're at!

What if I want more hands on help?
We have an exclusive Farm To Freezer Community!
The exclusive community is reserved for students who are serious about raising and processing their own chickens. Here you'll have access to learn from other students, find additional trainings and get support when needed.
So what do I do now?

How could an online course teach how to raise and process chickens without being hands-on? Doesn’t it require physical presence and practical experience?
I don't have time to take an online course and/or need to learn it now!
Raising Chickens Is Expensive, so I'm concerned about the cost of this course
Imagine This...
You and your family are raising food together
You know where it came from
You know how it was raised
You know what it ate
You're learning skills that help you become more self sustainable
Your children are learning skills that they will use for a lifetime
You're not dependent on the grocery store.
This isn't a dream life, this is something that's 100% possible with the right plan and support from someone that's already living that life.
Who is this course for?
This course if for you if:
-You're tired of relying on the grocery store for your meat
-You've tried to find information online to teach you how to raise chickens but you're still confused on what to do
-You want to become more self sustainable and know where your food is from
-You want to learn skills that will make you more self reliant
-You want to learn how to raise chickens for meat and process them yourself
But it's not for everyone. You might want to wait if:
-You don't have any land or a barn to hold the chickens in (unless you generally just want to learn how)
-You don't want to learn how to do the raising or the processing and feel squeamish by it. (You can overcome this though)
-You're excited for the future of lab grown meat
A letter to you...
Hi, Jordyn and Kay here.
We totally understand where you're coming from, it's ok to be unsure at first. I was unsure as well when we first started processing our own chickens. It's a big undertaking.
We're going to be totally honest with you. The thing is, being unsure is a scary place. But you know what's also scary? Not knowing what's going on with the food we're consuming. Not thinking twice about where the animal lived or how it was raised. It just come neatly packaged at the grocery store.
It wasn't until we took a chance and did something totally different from the norm that we realized, things aren't so bad. They aren't so scary, especially if you have someone to help you out along the way.
Think about the pros and cons: stay safe, don't try this but keep living the life you're still living, eating the meat from the grocery store OR take a calculated chance with someone that's done this literally hundreds of time and create the dream life you've always wanted.
Well? We're ready for you inside Farm To Freezer!
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